Monday, December 29, 2014

Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas

We had a nice, peaceful Christmas.  Many Blessings and wishing peace and harmony for the new year.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

It takes a village

As most of you know I am a certified Dream Coach.  What does that mean?  It means I assist, encourage and inspire people who request the assistance in identifying, pursuing and manifesting their 
Dreams, goals and desires.  In order to be a champion of others dreams, you might ask how I have achieved my own dreams?  Well it takes inspiration, desire, design, mindfulness, creativity, faith and the assistance of a village.   What does a village mean in this day and time?  Well for me it means my community, friends, family, unknown supporters and the Angels (both in Heaven and on Earth).  I have manifested and am living out one of my long term dreams.  Living in a colorful beach cottage filled with handmade and artisan furnishings and accessories.  Today I am sending out a heartfelt THANK YOU to Laurell and Mitch James of  'This little Cottage.'  Laurell a kindred Spirit and her husband helped me walk out my creative dreams in my little beach cottage.  I would not have been able to realize this dream without them.  They helped me renovate the house, make the furniture and accessories, maintain the space and oversaw the transformation.  
I was suffering through a very debilitating illness at the time and it took a couple of years for me to really enjoy my 'Dream Cottage.'  While I was recovering and wading through the pain and confusion they along with the rest of my village helped 'hold the vision' for me.  For this I am forever grateful.
So, I advise and encourage you to remember it's not just 'You' who creates your dreams alone, but also the support of your village.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year may all of your Dreams come true!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Happy Holidays

I couldn't decide which one I liked the most so, I'm putting them both out there.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sunday Morning

I had fun this morning finishing up some unfinished projects.  Finally got my sewing machine out of the box after two years. Love my finished projects and uplifted my Spirit listening to Bruno and Macklemore in the studio today. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Last Fiber Arts Open Studio of 2014

I had a great time teaching Jennifer Johnson how to crochet. She wanted to make some last minute Christmas gifts. So, proud of her she caught on right away and got a lot done.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Neon Weaving

This Friday Weaving Fun Funky Neon Fabric.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Fiber Arts Open Studio

Had a great morning at the Fiber Arts Open Studio @ Blue Pelican Gallery.  Jeanne finished her gorgeous knitting from last session.  We decided to make it a poncho instead of a shawl .  Love it.  The brilliant colors and texture do not convey in the picture.  She also made a nuno felted scarf.  Love the Monet inspired roses she created.  Join us next week for more 'fibery' fun!

Monday, December 1, 2014