Friday, February 28, 2014

Past vs. Present

Hey everyone! It's been a struggle this week. Part of my negative past bled into my positive upbeat future. I have had a legal issue ongoing for 12 years now that stems from my previous very successful business. This issue has been a thorn in my side and I allowed it to cloud my life these past several years. This week it came to a head. I realized that This issue came to life because I did not honor my own power. I gave my power and trust away to my legal team. They did not have my best interest at heart. At that time in my life I trusted authority figures and respected people in powerful positions. I learned the hard way that by giving my trust away to people who were undeserving dis-empowered me and caused me a great deal of pain and heartache. I shut myself off and began isolating. This January I made the decision to start expanding myself and took steps to stop isolating and step out into my power. This is why I joined Uplevel Your Business. Now that I have stepped into this new paradigm of up leveling I can look at the past with different eyes. I'm ready to slay the dragon because by up leveling my life and business I realize that I have the power, the knowledge and the control over my life.

I didn't get to work on module 2 this week. It will be a challenge to catch up, but I did face the greatest block that I have had to my future success and I'm ready to walk out the details. It's hard to admit that I let something else get in the way of my UYB work this week. Any suggestions on how to get back on track? Do I rush through module 2 for the next 3days and get back on track with module 3 next week or do I follow the theme of 'progress not perfection' because as I learned this week, all of the answers are inside of me.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The first Crafty Diva Cottage

Today for throwback Thursday I'd like to present the first Crafty Diva Cottage which was located in Prescott, Az.  I had always dreamed of having a little 'shotgun shack' to create in.  A grownup 'dollhouse'.  When I found this little cottage it was the beginning of me really understanding how your dreams can manifest.  I had placed in my journal years before the concept of a little cottage to have my business in.  I traveled high and low looking in five different states trying to find the perfect place.  I went to Arizona to study Art Therapy at the college there and lo and behold I found my little cottage.  It didn't last long, life events took over and my stay in Arizona was cut short, but the Dream had manifested.  I knew that if it manifested once there would be another one more suited to me and my business goals and dreams. P.S. There was!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Working at Home

This week has been an emotionally challenging week for me.  I have been setting up my home office and attempting to provide structure to developing my new business model.  I have been out of the small business circuit for the past couple of years due to my on going health challenges.  I decided to get some support and not try to do everything myself and participate in a business coaching program. I've already owned and operated a very successful business in the past.  So I know the basics.  This week I have found it very difficult to adapt to setting up a business model while being physically challenged.

I stopped taking pain medicine over a year ago in order to rebuild and restructure my life.  I had developed a routine to manage the day to day activities of my life after my relocation.  I had just gotten in a grove and was feeling very upbeat and positive.  Almost pain free.  Feeling like I was ready to move to the next level and get more focused in my business.  I was ready to go on Monday, new laptop and printer, new office chair designed for comfort, trash bags to get rid of the clutter, music playlist ready.  I watched the training videos, cleaned, wrote organized from morning til late at night.  My office assistant 'Nala' observed this new routine.  I was feeling good and giddy from my new work day.  The kids commented on my clean office.  I gathered my things and began to walk up the stairs and boom.  Pain! Lots of it.  I crawled to bed.  Reluctantly took Tylenol and tossed and turned all night.  The next day I woke up lots of pain.  I said that I would rest today, I sat up in that chair too long yesterday.

 I started feeling low, low energy mentally and physically.  That's what happens when you are in pain.  I started to question my ability to accomplish my goals.  I let myself get confused.  After a day of rest and knitting I went to sleep.  The next morning I woke up feeling better no longer low energy, positive outlook.  I realized how much pain affected my mood and my outlook.  I realized that I'm not a sad and depressed person.  Being in pain lowers your energy and causes you to be melancholy.  Now it's Friday the week is coming to an end.  I didn't accomplish everything that I wanted to this week, but I did realize that it is very important to find my own rhythm and design and develop my own work style.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mom and Me Time

There are many roles that I have taken on in this lifetime, daughter, sister, student, entrepreneur, artist, wife and mother.  The one role that I feel is truly my life purpose is that of a mother.  I have been a single mother for the past fifteen years.  There are a lot of challenges involved, lack of sleep, lack of help, lack of energy, lack of time, lack of support you can go on and on and on with the lack song.  There is one thing that you have an abundance of and that is Love!  Love from your children and Love for your children.  There are many times that I wanted peace and quiet to be left alone.  But, the kids continue to push the boundaries and insist that their presence be known. Finally,  I stop whatever I thought was important and cave into the hugs and kisses and the 'I love you mommy's'.  They make the 'lack song' go away and my heart sings a new song of 'Love and Joy.'

For most of my life I have been using journaling and intuitive collage to express myself.  Here is a collage that I made that represents 'motherhood' to me.

For throwback Thursday here is a picture taken during my first year of single motherhood about 15 years ago.  P.S.  my two youngest children were born around valentines day.  How about that for Love!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Be Bold, Tell Your Story!

The southwest pueblo native american's make what they call clay storytellers.  A women that is surrounded by lots of children listening to the story that she is telling.  I made my own version of storyteller's these pots that you see below. I am naturally a shy person.  I have had to work hard to overcome my shyness.  My grandmother and my mother where appalled at it.  Being the Bold Sassy extroverted women that they were.  They wanted me to be proud, bold and stand up and be noticed.  I wanted to hide in a corner and have no one look at me.  I noticed along the years when I spoke people wanted to hear what I had to say.  I then pushed myself to be bolder and stronger all the time.  Around the age of thirty I had conquered the fear and shyness.  I began to speak with authority and lead others.  I was a business owner and a CEO my employees looked to me for guidance.  As life has passed on and I have more experience I realize that I now have a story.  I again became that shy six year old.  Who would want to hear my story?  Everyone had one.  Yes, they do.  Just not my story.  Mine is unique and pertains to me and my life experiences.  I have put myself out there in social media now and am ready to be bold and tell my story.   Are you ready to tell your story?