Sunday, August 24, 2014

Pursuing a Dream

Sixteen years ago I decided to change my life.  I had come to a place where I accepted and loved myself enough to pursue my dreams.  My dream at that time was to simplify my life, live authentically, raise my children in a more natural environment, restore my health, create art, live in a community of like-minded people and pursue a career that helped others and fed my soul.  I wanted to  own and operate a creative arts center using the proceeds from my high-tech business.  My goal was to provide a safe and creative environment where people could come and explore their own unique creativity and relax, release and restore their weary Souls.  I  wanted to inspire and mentor people in the pursuit of their goals, dreams and desires.  I felt that a place at the beach with retreats to the mountains would be healing in of itself  and locating the center in a vacation spot would be optimum.  I wanted to gather a tribe of healers, teachers, artists and coaches to teach and share at this center.

Little did I know that my own life had to come completely undone before I could fully realize this dream.  (I have now found that when you end a long cycle in your life and you want drastic change, every element that built that prior foundation has to come undone.)

Fast forward to today as I am turning 53 this week and my Soul is very weary.  My dream is on the horizon getting clearer and clearer as I release more and more of the old.  I have been stripped down to the bare minimum, my life is being forcefully simplified. (Remember the old adage, be careful what you wish for..). Nothing is as I thought it would be.  My parents, ex-husband and a couple of close friends are no longer on Earth to share my dream.  My older children are young adults and the baby I was carrying when I formed this dream is almost 16 yrs old.  My health and finances are debilitated.  My passion and energy are dulled due to medication and grieving.  But, I'm still here alive and willing to continue on.  Life has thrown me a few curves on the road to my dream, but here I am finally standing on a path of endless possibilities.  A new twist to this journey has now begun.

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